søndag den 5. december 2010

Consultation on the promotion and validation of non-formal and informal learning

Innovationshøjskolen has been given the opportunity to contribute to this consultation on the promotion and validation of non-formal and informal learning by the EU Directorate-General for Education and Culture.

Kjeld Fredens, Member of the board at Innovationshøjskolen, has this comment:

“Validation of learning gained through work and life experience” can be sought indirectly by examining the learning climate.
The most positive climates for creativity are found in organizations described as innovative. Ekvall identified 10 dimensions related to creativity: SOC (Situational Outlook Questionaire). Other has studied the efficacy of these dimensions (Isaksen SG (2007). The Climate for Transformation. Creativity and Innovation Management 16 (1), 3-15).
If we look at the working place as a social system it is more evident why climate is an essential measure, since R. Keith Sawyer (Individual and Group Creativity. In Kaufman & Sternberg (eds.): The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity, 2010, p.372) has described the following group-level accounts:
Unpredictability, non-reducibility to models of participating agents, processual intersubjectivity, individual agency and creative potential on the part of individual agents, and the cost of explanation. These accounts are characteristics of collaborative emergence of knowledge.